太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐, 太阳成集团tyc234cc官网, 讲师
(1) 2010-09 至 2016-06, 北京科技大学, 材料科学与工程, 博士
(2) 2006-09 至 2010-07, 北京科技大学, 材料成形及控制工程, 学士
(1) 2019-11 至 2021-11, 丹麦技术大学
(2) 2016-12 至 2018-10, 钢铁研究总院
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51901091, 无取向硅钢奥氏体-铁素体相变取向关系和热轧过程中双相组织织构演变规律研究。
(2) 云南省科技厅, 云南省应用基础研究青年项目, 202001AU070081, 梯度结构纯Cu及Cu合金同时提高其强度和塑性的应用基础研究。
(1) Hongjiang Pan; Thomas Dahmen; Mohamad Bayat; Kang Lin; XiaodanZhang; Independent effects of laser power and scanning speed on IN718’sprecipitation and mechanical properties produced by LBPF plus heat treatment, MaterialsScience and Engineering: A, 2022, 849: 143530.
(2) Hongjiang Pan; Zhihao Zhang; Jianxin Xie; Preparation of highsilicon electrical steel sheets with strong {100} recrystallization texture bythe texture inheritance of initial columnar grains, Metallurgical andMaterials Transactions A, 2016, 47(5): 2277-2285.
(3) Hongjiang Pan; Li Xiang; Shengtao Qiu; Effects of grainboundary on {100} recrystallization texture of high silicon electrical steel, Metalsand Materials International, 2017, 24(1): 221-230.
(4) Hongjiang Pan; Yue He; Xiaodan Zhang; Interactions betweenDislocations and Boundaries during Deformation, Materials, 2021, 14(4):1012.
(5) Hongjiang Pan; Zhihao Zhang; Jianxin Xie; The effects ofrecrystallization texture and grain size on magnetic properties of 6.5 wt% Sielectrical steel, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2015,401: 625-632.
(6) Hongjiang Pan; Zhihao Zhang; Yuanke Mo; Jianxin Xie; Strong<001> recrystallization texture component in 6.5 wt% Si electrical steelthin sheets by secondary cold rolling and annealing, Journal of Magnetismand Magnetic Materials, 2016, 419: 500-511.
联系方式:材料楼321 邮箱:hj_pan@kust.edu.cn