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姓   名:山泉     性   别:男 

职   称:教授  学   位:工学博士    






或搜索“ Wear and Friction


    山泉,男,陕西西安人,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,中国材料学会青年工作委员会理事、云南省优秀青年基金获得者、云南省高层次人才支持计划-产业创新人才、青年拔尖人才。201312月毕业于太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐材料加工工程专业,毕业后就职于太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐太阳成集团tyc234cc官网,20144月至20149月,在太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐太阳成集团tyc234cc官网材料加工工程系工作,20149月至20178月,在昆钢重型装备制造集团挂职副总经理兼任云南昆钢耐磨材料科技股份有限公司总工程师,201910月至201911月在德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学进行短期访学。以金属材料加工成形、材料磨损失效为主要科研方向,主持云南省重大项目子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、云南省基础研究优秀青年项目、企业合作项目等14项,云南省高层次人才支持计划人才1项,在Acta Mater.JMSTWEARVPPJAC等国内外期刊上发表论文40余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文30余篇,申请专利10余项。获云南省发明一等奖等省部级奖励4项。










基于热力学组织调控的大型耐磨件第二相强化技术开发, 企业项目,2021-092022-12,在研,主持;




[1] Sida Chen, Tianyi Zhang, Fei Zhang,* QinyuanHuang, Zulai Li,* Zexin Liao, and Quan Shan*, Preparation of Dual-ScaleTiC-Precipitated Bainitic Wear-Resistant Steel by Solid Solution and ForgingDeformation, Steel research international, 2200303 (2022).

[2] Qinyuan Huang, Chunjian Wang,* and Quan Shan*,Quantitative Deviation of Nanocrystals Using the RIR Method in X-rayDiffraction (XRD), Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 2320.

[3] Y. Yang, Y. Ren, Y. Tian, K. Li, L. Bai, Q.Huang, Q. Shan*, Y. Tian, H. Wu, Microstructure and tribological behaviors ofFeCoCrNiMoSix high-entropy alloy coatings prepared by laser cladding, Surfaceand Coatings Technology, 432 (2022).

[4] Y.-K. Zhu, J. Guo, L. Chen, S.-W. Gu, Y.-X.Zhang, Q. Shan*, J. Feng, Z.-H. Ge, Simultaneous enhancement of thermoelectricperformance and mechanical properties in Bi2Te3 via Ru compositing, ChemicalEngineering Journal, 407 (2021).

[5] T. Zhang, Q. Shan*, Z. Li, H. Wu, Y. Jiang,Effects of TiC and residual austenite synergistic strengthening mechanism onimpact-abrasive wear behavior of bainite steel, Wear, 486-487 (2021).

[6] Y. Yang, Y. Ren, Y. Tian, K. Li, W. Zhang, Q.Shan*, Y. Tian, Q. Huang, H. Wu, Microstructure and properties of FeCoCrNiMoSixhigh-entropy alloys fabricated by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 884 (2021).

[7] Q. Shan*, T. Zhang, Z. Li, Z. Zhou, Y. Jiang,Y.-S. Lee, X. Luo, Effect of Aging Treatment on Precipitates and IntrinsicMechanical Behavior of Austenitic Matrix in TiVNbAlloyed HighManganese Steel, Steel research international, 000650 (2021).

[8] Q. Shan*, R. Ge, Z. Li, Z. Zhou, Y. Jiang, Y.-S.Lee, H. Wu, Wear properties of high-manganese steel strengthened withnano-sized V2C precipitates, Wear, 482-483 (2021).

[9] S.-W. Gu, P. Qin, Y.-X. Zhang, J. Guo, Q. Shan*,J. Feng, Z.-H. Ge, Synergistic modulation of electrical and thermal propertiesof Cu1.8S bulk materials via nanostructuring and band engineering, Journal ofAlloys and Compounds, 852 (2021).

[11] F. Zhang, Y. Yang, Q. Shan*, Z. Li, J. Bi, R.Zhou, Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of 0.4C-Si-Mn-Cr Steelduring High Temperature Deformation, Materials, 13 (2020).

[12] Y. Ren, L. Liang, Q. Shan*, A. Cai, J. Du, Q.Huang, S. Liu, X. Yang, Y. Tian, H. Wu, Effect of volumetric energy density onmicrostructure and tribological properties of FeCoNiCuAl high-entropy alloyproduced by laser powder bed fusion, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 15(2020) 543-554.

[13] Z. Zhou, Z. Zhang, Q. Shan*, Z. Li, Y. Jiang,R. Ge, Influence of Heat-Treatment on Enhancement of Yield Strength andHardness by Ti-V-Nb Alloying in High-Manganese Austenitic Steel, Metals, 9(2019).

[14] Z. Zhou, Q. Shan*, Y. Jiang, Z. Li, Z. Zhang,Effect of nanoscale V2C precipitates on the three-body abrasive wear behaviorof high-Mn austenitic steel, Wear, 436-437 (2019).

[16] Q. Shan*, Z. Zhou, Z. Li, Y. Jiang, F. Gao, L.Zhang, Effect of oxidation on thermal fatigue behavior of cast tungsten carbideparticle/steel substrate surface composite, Journal of Materials Research, 34(2019) 1754-1761.

[17] Z. Li, D. Zhang, Q. Shan*, Interfacial thermalfatigue behavior of cast tungsten carbide particle/steel matrix surfacecomposites, Journal of Materials Research, 34 (2019) 3837-3843.

[18] J. Dong, D. Fang, L. Zhang, Q. Shan*, Y. Huang,Gallium-doped titania nanotubes elicit anti-bacterial efficacy in vivo againstEscherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus biofilm, Materialia, (2019).



[1] 山泉,周再峰,李祖来,蒋业华,张冬兰,发明专利:一种高耐磨合金钢材料的制备方法,2021-02-05,中国,ZL201910180416.9

[2] 山泉,王卓,李祖来,蒋业华,发明专利: 一种表层复合材料及其制备方法, 2020-08-25,中国,ZL201711233117.4

[3] 山泉,周再峰,李祖来,蒋业华,葛茹,发明专利: 一种提高合金化高锰钢铸件性能的方法, 2020-08-11,中国,ZL201811569019.2

[4] 山泉,周再峰,李祖来,蒋业华,葛茹,发明专利: 一种Ti-V-N复合微合金化纳米颗粒增强低碳钢的控轧控冷工艺, 2020-08-11,中国,201811570085.1

[5] 山泉,张天翼,李祖来,黄沁源,张飞,发明专利: 一种析出物增强贝氏体-马氏体复相耐磨衬板的制备方法, 2021-09-14,中国,202111076281.5



[1] 山泉(5/9);基于反应浸渗和构型设计的氧化铝/铁基复合材料制备技术及应用,云南省人民政府,技术发明一等奖,2019.

[2] 山泉(3/6);非浸润界面陶瓷/钢铁基表层复合耐磨构件成形控制关键技术,中国发明协会,创业成果奖-二等奖,2018.

[3] 山泉(5/7);一种蜂窝状陶瓷-金属复合材料立磨磨辊制备方法,国家知识产权局,中国专利优秀奖,2018.





