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刘亮 博士 预聘教授 硕士生导师

E-mail: liuliang@kust.edu.cn


个人简介(Personal Profile)

刘亮:男,1992110日,籍贯:山东枣庄。20226月于北京理工大学太阳成集团tyc234cc官网获博士学位。20227月通过高层次人才引进入职太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐太阳成集团tyc234cc官网,并先后入选卓越人才计划和云南省兴滇英才支持计划-青年人才。现主要从事新型全属基复合材料设计与制备;粉末冶金新材料等研究工作。目前主持省部级科研项目3项,校际合作技术横向课题4项。指导研究生参加:全国挑战杯并获得省级金奖1项。近五年,以第一作者和第一通讯作者身份在Comp.Part B., Comp.Part A., Mater.Design., Comp.Com..等材料领域类重要期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,获得授权发明专利12项。

教育背景 (Education)

1. 2018.09-2022.06 北京理工大学 博士 材料科学与工程

2. 2015.09-2018.06 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐 硕士 材料工程

3. 2011.09-2015.06 华北理工大学 学士 金属材料工程

工作经历 (Work Experience)

2022/09 -至今,太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐,太阳成集团tyc234cc官网

研究方向(Research Area)



近三年代表性文章和授权发明专利 (Selected Publications)

[1] Li Z, Liu Liang*, Bao R, et al. Designing a novel carbonized polypyrrole nanotubes (C-PNTs) reinforced copper composite with good combination of mechanical–electrical and anti-corrosion properties[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2024, 177: 107885.IF=8.7

[2] Zhang S Y, Liu Liang*, Bao R, et al. Attaining synergetic equilibrium of electrical conductivity and tensile strength in GQDs@ GN/Cu composites through multi-scale intragranular and intergranular reinforcements[J]. Rare Metals, 2024, 43(1): 366-379. IF=8.8

[3] Li Z, You X, Liu Liang*, et al. Attaining the strength-plasticity-electricity balance of carbon nanotube/Cu composites through combining the intragranular carbonized polymer dots distribution[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 27: 3339-3348. IF=6.4

[4] Zhang W, Liu Liang*, Bao R, et al. Enhancing the mechanical and electrical conductivity of copper matrix composites through grafting carbonized polymer dots (CPD) onto carbon nanotube surfaces[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2023: 110147. IF=4.1

[5] Liang Liu, Hongmei Zhang*. Reaction kinetics of three-dimensional interface in graphene nanoplatelets reinforced titanium (GNPs/Ti) composites as revealed by in situ TEM heating experiments. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2023, 247: 110237. IF=13.1

[6] Liu Liang, Zhang H*, et al. Enhanced strain-hardening capability in graphene nanoplatelets reinforced Ti composites through tailoring a novel three-dimensional interface structure[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, 156: 106892. IF=8.7

[7] Liu Liang, Li Y, Zhang H, et al. Breaking through the dynamic strength-ductility trade-off in TiB reinforced Ti composites by incorporation of graphene nanoplatelets[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2022, 230: 109499. IF=13.1

[8] Liu Liang, Li Y, Zhang H, et al. Simultaneously enhancing strength and ductility in graphene nanoplatelets reinforced titanium (GNPs/Ti) composites through a novel three-dimensional interface design[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2022, 216: 108851. IF=13.1

[9] 基于石墨烯模板化制备定向生长 TiBw 增强钛基复合材料的方法,授权号:ZL 202110301150.6

[10] 定向生长 TiBw 强化 GNPs/Ti 复合材料界面结合的方法,授权号:ZL 202010747246.0

[11] 原位自生Cu2O颗粒诱导准连续网状CNTs/Cu基复合材料的制备,ZL 201910669172.0

[12] 基于颗粒保护作用下定向裂解 CNTs 制备 CNTs-GR/Cu 基复合材料的方法,授权号:ZL 201910233138.9

目前主持在研科研项目 (Scientific Research Projects)








