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姜庆伟,男,副教授,2011年在东北大学获得博士学位(师从于李小武教授)。主要从事先进结构材料、亚稳态材料(非晶、超细晶)、层状金属复合材料等方面的研究工作。主持并参与国家级、省部级及企业委托项目10余项,其中主持国家自然科学基金1项,主持省部级科研项目2项。在国际、国内知名的Mater. Sci. Eng. AAdv. Eng. Mater.Adv. Eng. Mater.Phys. Stat. Sol. (a)Materials TransactionsActa Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.)Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B、金属学报等学术期刊上发表相关论文20余篇,其中SCIEI收录14篇。

 Email: jqw6@163.com; qw.j@hotmail.com


教育背景 (Education)

2008.09 - 2011.10 (博士) 东北大学 材料物理与化学专业

2006.09 - 2008.07(硕士)东北大学材料物理与化学专业

研究方向 (Research Area)




工作经历 (Work Experience)


2012.072014.08 云南昆钢新型复合材料开发有限公司副总经理

2011.112013.08 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐,太阳成集团tyc234cc官网,教师

研究项目(Research Projects)

1.(主持超细晶纯铝、铁、钛的宽温域变形稳定性研究国家自然科学基金 2013-01-01~2015-12-31

2.(主持热处理对超细晶材料变形及损伤行为的影响云南省科学技术厅 2012-01-15~2014-12-15 

代表性文章 (Selected Publications)

1.李敏,刘静,姜庆伟*. 退火温度对ARB-Cu室温拉伸断裂行为的影响[J]. 金属学报,2017538):1001-1010.

2.李敏,姜庆伟*. 预退火时间对累积叠轧超细晶铜室温拉伸断裂行为的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2017,2711):2307-2314.

3.Li Min, Jiang Qingwei*. The effect of strain rates on tensile deformation of ultrafine-grained copper[J]. Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B, 2017, 31(16-19): 1744014.

4.李雪波,李小红,李敏,张胜,姜庆伟*.退火处理对TA1/Q235热轧复合板元素扩散的影响[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2017, 3810):35-40.

5.Jiang Qingwei*, Yang Jie. Effect of second annealing on properties and microstructures ofcommercial pure titanium[J]. Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium, 2016, 37(1):37-40. 姜庆伟*,杨杰. 二次退火对工业纯钛组织及性能的影响[J].钢铁钒钛,2016371:37-40.)(中英文版)

6.Ying Yan, Yue Qi, Qing-Wei Jiang Xiao-Wu Li. Temperature-Dependent Compressive Deformation Behavior of Commercially Pure Iron Processed by ECAP. Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.), 2015, 28(5), 531-541.

7.Jiang, Q. W., Li, X.W.*ChaoY. S.Effect of pre-annealing treatment on the compressive deformation and damage behavior of ultrafine-grained copper. Mater. Sci. Eng. A,2012546 59-67.

8.姜庆伟,刘印,王尧,晁月盛,李小武*. 超细晶铜在退火或高温变形条件下微观结构的不稳定性研究.金属学报2009, 45(7), 873-879.

9.Jiang, Q.W., Wang, Y., Wu, Y. and Li, X.W. *. Effect of ECAP on the High-Temperature Compressive Deformation Bebavior of LY12 Aluminum Alloys. Materials Technology, 2012, 27(1) 58-61.

10.Jiang, Q.W., Xiao, L. and Li, X.W.* .A Comparison of Temperature-Dependent Compressive Deformation Features of Ultrafine-Grained Ti and Cu Produced by ECAP. Mater. Sci. Forum, 2011, 682: 41-45. 

11.姜庆伟*,蒋业华,张军,王继宪,工业纯钛压缩变形与损伤行为的温度效应, 钢铁钒钛2013, 341):18-21.

12.Wang, Y., Jiang , Q. W. *, Wu, Y. and Li, X. W. *. Comparison of High-Temperature Compressive Deformation Characteristics of Differently Processed LY12 Aluminum Alloys. Mater. Sci. Forum, 2011, 667-669: 845-849.

13.Li, X.W.*, Jiang, Q.W., Liu Y. and Wang, Y. Effect of Strain Rate on the High-Temperature Compressive Deformation Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Copper. Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B, 2009, 23, 6-7, 1758-1763.

14.Li, X.W.*, Jiang, Q.W., Wu, Y., Wang, Y. and Umakoshi, Y. Stress-Amplitude-Dependent Deformation Charateristics and Microstructures of Cyclically Stressed Ultrafine-Grained Copper. Adv. Eng. Mater.,2008, 10, 720-726.

15.姜庆伟,王尧,李小武*. 超细晶铜的高周和低周疲劳行为的比较,(第十四届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议,中国井冈山,20081020-22) 结构强度研究10月增刊,p. 208-211.

16.Yu, Z.Y., Jiang, Q.W. and Li, X.W.*. Temperature-Dependent Plastic Deformation and Damage Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Copper under Uniaxial Compression. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 2008,205(10), 2417-2421.

17.Long Feng-Wu, Jiang Qing-Wei, Xiao Lin and Li Xiao-Wu*. Compressive deformation behaviors of coarse- and ultrafine-grained pure Titanium at different temperatures: A comparative study. Materials Transactions, 2011, 528),1617-1622.

18.李小武*姜庆伟,刘印. 超细晶铜的高温循环变形及损伤行为”,粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2009, 14(1)17-20.

