于杰 博士 副教授
E-mail: yujieone@163.com
教育背景 (Education)
1997.09 - 2001.07长春理工大学,本科,无机非金属材料
工作经历 (Work Experience)
2004.06-至今 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐,太阳成集团tyc234cc官网,讲师、副教授
2018.01-2019.01美国伦斯勒理工大学(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)访问学者
研究方向 (Primary areas of interest)
近三年主持的在研项目(Research Projects)
1.稀贵金属国家重点实验室开放基金 2017.7-2019.9 6万(主持)
2.离子注入宝石致色机理研究 2018.3-2019.5 3万 横向开发(主持)
3.金属陶瓷复合抗冲击材料开发 2018.3-2020.2 17万 横向开发(主持)
近三年以第一作者或通讯作者发表的代表性文章 (Selected Publications)
[1]Xin Wanga, Jie Yua,*, Mingyu Hua,b,**, Yongjie Wua, Liuli Yanga, Wei Yea, Xue The effects of hydroxyl by water addition on the photoluminescence of zero-dimensional perovskites Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals 221,2020.116986
[2]TaiqiaoLiu,MingyuHu,WentingLu,JianxiangZhan,XiaoyingCui,XianghaoZhan,JieYu* First-principles investigation on thermodynamic phase stability of jadeite Physica B: Condensed MatterVolume 567, 15 August 2019, Pages 55-60
[3] Chao Wang ; Jie Yu*; Ming-Yu HU; Kun-Hua Zhang,In-situ reaction precipitation of AgAl alloy powder and oxygen adsorption performance, Journalof Alloys and Compounds 2018,3,1123-1129
[4] Ming-Yu Hu ;Jie Yu* ; Xiao-Long Zhou; Zhen-Jun Hong; Wei Ye,Surface layer structure change and tribological property of Cu/FeS composite underelectric field, Rare Metal 38, pages885–891(2019)
[5] Kang Wang ;Jie Yu* ;Jing Feng; Zhen-Hua Ge; Peng Qin Microstructureand thermoelectric properties of CuInSe2/In2Se3 compound, Modern PhysicsLetters B, 2018.3, 32(3)
[6] 战祥浩 马坡 杨蕾琪 冯以佳 祖恩东 于杰* “永楚料”翡翠的宝石学性质研究 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐学报:2018,2,20-24
[7]JieYu ; Lin-Jing Liu; Shou-Dong Chen; Jing-Chao Chen ,Phase DiagramCalculation and Predication of Au-Pd-Zr Ternary System, Rare Metals, 2017.2.20,36(2): 142~146
[8]MingyuHu ;Chunyu Ge;Jie Yu *; Jing Feng ,Mechanical and OpticalProperties of Cs4BX6 (B = Pb, Sn; X = Cl, Br, I) Zero-Dimension Perovskites, Journal of Physical ChemistryC, 2017.11.8, 121: 27053~27058
[1]《原位合成金属基复合材料的基础理论与技术》 云南科技出版社 2012.12(专著)12万字
[2]贵金属首饰加工与制作技术 云南科技出版社 2012.02(教材) 5万字
[3]宝玉石专业英语 云南科技出版社 2014.02(教材) 20万字
[1] 于杰,周晓龙,孟彬 一种贵金属负载α-Al2O3粉体催化材料的制备方法 201710485091.6
[2]于杰,叶未,陈敬超,唐雪莲,杨淼,祖恩东一种放电等离子体再造翡翠的制备工艺 201010547511.7
[3] 于杰,叶未,陈敬超,唐雪莲,杨淼,祖恩东一种合成翡翠的制备工艺 201010547456.1